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Fun With Websites

Building a website, with all the tools and tutorials now available, can be easy and fun.  Maybe not snowboarding fun, but it is generally easier than learning to snowboard. There are several free options available if you are wanting to give it a try.  If you want to learn how this site was created on Wix click the link below. It has free tutorials and tips to help you get the most out of your website and your time.  

For Basic Instructions for Starting a Wix Site, keep reading.


1.  Signing up for a Wix account. If you haven't created an account yet, go ahead at click "Create a Wix Site" at the top of this page and create your free account.  If you're already signed in, then you're ready to get started.


2.  Have a look at the preformatted templates. The templates are fully customizable and can be changed to suit your needs. Go ahead and play with a few different ones. Don't worry, there is no limit to the number of templates that you can use.


3.  Once you've decided which template you want to use for your site, start editing using the menu on the left side of the Editor. From here you can manage your pages, edit the design and add elements to your site. The rest is up to you!


Note: Remember to click Save after you've made a few changes. Once you're ready to go live, click Publish.


Additional help can be found at:

 This website is a collection of information gathered as a requirement for a Networking class taken while a graduate student in the Army-Baylor MHA program. The information expressed on this website are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of Baylor University, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.


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