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Leadership Philosophy

While it is not a typical Military Leadership Philosophy pictoral, each part was selected for a specific reason.


   I believe there are 3 main inputs that shape us. The people we encounter in life, our experiences, and the situation we are facing.


   I see leaders as serving 3 main purposes.  These are continuous and are the reasons we lead.  They are to serve, protect, and guide.  


   Lastly, I believe there are 5 key attributes of a leader:


  1. Character (foundational).  This includes the Army Values, morals, and ethics. The heart is used to depict character, because I believe that is where true character is developed.

  2. Teamwork (foundational).  We must know and trust one another, only then can we achieve success together. The belt is to depict teamwork and holding everyone together.

  3. Communication.  Share information and listen to others.  Honest feedback both up and down the chain is necessary. This is depicted by the two ears, because we must not fail to hear what is important.

  4. Dignity & Respect.  Everyone is valuable, everyone is important, and everyone deserves to be treated in a dignified and respectful manner.  Appreciate one another's differences and similarities.  The mouth is used to depict this attribute.

  5. Critical & Creative Thinking.  Look for solutions to problems and opportunities to improve processes, the organization, and yourself.  Do not be afraid to take a risk and think outside the box. The brain is used to depict creative and critical thinking.


So, while the picture is a little silly and very colorful, my intentions here are to make it easy to remember and reflect upon.


For more insight into my Leadership Philosophy, my paper is below. 

 This website is a collection of information gathered as a requirement for a Networking class taken while a graduate student in the Army-Baylor MHA program. The information expressed on this website are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of Baylor University, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.


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